Monday, March 12, 2012

Clothing Swaps

Later this week I'm hosting my first clothing swap! I'm pretty excited about it, as to me it seems like a thrift store brought to your very own front door. And it's a fun excuse to get together a bunch of my girlfriends, sip on some cocktails and just enjoy each other's company. 

Skirt worn as a dress - free box in Berkeley
I was inspired by Kendra, of Girl on Bike, to host this event. She's the perennial thrifty gal and hosts swaps for anything and everything under the sun from clothes to homemade food to gardening supplies and homegrown plants. 

I started this Style and Reason series back towards the end of last year when I decided to make a resolution with myself: I would purchase no new (as in new to me, meaning no thrift store purchases either) wearables for one whole year. While I have not been perfect, I have definitely reigned myself in. My reasons for my "challenge" were mainly two-fold: I needed to work on budgeting my spending in a more efficient way, and my closet was bursting at the seams form my years and years of thrifting and vintage shopping and what-not.

What I have missed the most tho is the hunt. The fun and excitement of walking into a thrift store and not knowing what I might find. I never knew and that was the best part. It made every trip an adventure. A clothing swap seemed like a great way to to have a "treasure" hunt of my own along with a bunch of wonderful ladies!

If you're interested in participating in my clothing swap shoot me an email at I'm going to have an assortment of clothes, jewelry, shoes, bags, and accessories. It's on Saturday night from 6:30 'til whenever we all feel like we've had enough =). 

Have you ever hosted a swap of some sort? Tell me about it if you have!

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