Wednesday, November 30, 2011

One more Day!

This week I'm taking a break from my regualr "item of the week" posts to let you all know there's just one more day left of my Plaid Friday sale in my Etsy shop

The busy holiday season is certainly upon us! Many of us will be rushing about making plans, throwing parties and buying presents. In the wake of the Occupy movement that has gathered so much momentum and energy in the last few months I, and many of my artisan friends, encourage you to support local, hand-crafted businesses.

 By doing so you are doing your part to keep our money within our community. Not only can you can put a face to the goods you acquire, you can feel good knowing you are helping to provide a meal and a home to a local artist.

Simply use the coupon code "occupy" at checkout and you'll receive 15% off your entire order from my shop

The last day to place orders in my Etsy shop and receive them in time for Christmas is December 5th. And remember to use the coupon code "occupy" for 15% off your entire order from my shop!
Happy holidays to all, however you may choose to celebrate them!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Whimsy and Wit

Back from my holiday vacation, I'm finding it a bit difficult to fully submerge myself in my work again. I have many things on my mind, there are many changes afoot for me in the near-ish future, and I'm finding my mind easily wandering. Searching through my new recent favorites on Etsy I found I was drawn to pieces that were making me smile and say, hey, that's different. And kind of magical!

I adore this print. Maybe because I'm such a sucker for cats, be they friendly, grouchy, stand-offish, loving, loud, quiet, short or long-haired. . . 

This necklace is so interesting to me. It's made from iridescent metallic acrylic. 

And this! I'd love to have this on the wall at the head of my bead, as pictured here.

Alrighty, back to the Tangleweeds production line! I hope everyone had a fantastic holiday weekend!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Fall Colors/Autumn Bouquet

I'm in love with funky fall color combos right now. 

lilac, whiskey, and mustard at Cali Vintage

pumpkin wedge available at Modcloth

lush orange and greens at Fancy Fine

Have a lovely day!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Giving Thanks

Inspiration folder: giving thanks

for family
for friends
for art and handmade craft
for my home
for my cats
for all of the friendly people who come in and out of my life everyday but who I will never really "know" (call them acquaintances if you need to define them)
for good books
for paper and pen
for this gosh-darn beautiful earth
for creativity
for "that spark'
for good ideas and bad

Have a wonderful holiday everyone!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Plaid Friday Etsy Sale

This week I'm taking a break from my regualr "item of the week" posts to let you all know about my Plaid Friday sale in my Etsy shop

The busy holiday season is certainly upon us! Many of us will be rushing about making plans, throwing parties and buying presents. In the wake of the Occupy movement that has gathered so much momentum and energy in the last few months I, and many of my artisan friends, encourage you to support local, hand-crafted businesses.

 By doing so you are doing your part to keep our money within our community. Not only can you can put a face to the goods you acquire, you can feel good knowing you are helping to provide a meal and a home to a local artist.

My  "Plaid Friday" sale starts the day after Thanksgiving and will run through the rest of November. Simply use the coupon code "occupy" at checkout and you'll receive 15% off your entire order from my shop

The last day to place orders in my Etsy shop and receive them in time for Christmas is December 5th. And remember to use the coupon code "occupy" for 15% off your entire order from my shop!
Happy holidays to all, however you may choose to celebrate them!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Jewels for Me

Now, just because I make jewelry, doesn't mean I don't lust after other's handmade or vintage baubles! Especially stones in lovely settings, which is a skill I have yet to acquire. 

This ring features a type of agate. Agate is one of those mercurial stones that comes in so many beautiful varieties. This one is a Botryoidal Agate.

And these. Oh wowzers! You wear these with just about anything!

And this gorgeous pendant. Moonstone and larvikite. I love these settings. Christmas present please!

Alright, well you and me both know these jewels weren't meant for just me! Take a look in these three lovely shops and I'm sure you'll find something perfect for one of the ladies on your Christmas list. I won't mind if you snatch up one of these beauties before I can =)

Monday, November 21, 2011


Ha! No sooner do I start this blog feature, Style and Reason, and I am swamped with work! It is Thanksgiving weekend, though, so it's not really a big surprise. But, even when life gets busy I do still have time to share something wonderful with all of you. 

Prints! I absolutely adore these. 

I originally saw these on Cali Vintage's blog, and was immediately smitten. They are from the 2012 spring collection for Charlotte Taylor. While these pieces are WAY beyond my budget, just seeing these quirky patterns and mixes encourages me to mix it up a bit more with my own wardrobe pairings. 

Back to filling jewelry orders. . . and trying to figure out what I want to wear for Thanksgiving. I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday, however you may choose to celebrate it!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Trunk Show and Sale

Tomorrow! Come on down to Bells and Whistles, a cute little shop on MacArthur at Fruitvale in Oakland. I'll be vending alongside some other very talented artists. 11am to 4 or 5pm, depending on the weather. Hope to see you there!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Banana Tree Leaves Blue Wall

Inspiration folder Thursday.

Bright, vibrant colors.

Amazing texture.

Pretty Penny

On Tuesday I took a bunch of new stock to Pretty Penny in Oakland. It's a lovely vintage/handmade wares/local designers shop that can be found at 5488 College Avenue. Stop by and you won't be disappointed!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Crow's Wings

Last week I offered these earrings in sterling as my Wednesday "item of the week"  in my Etsy shop. 
 This week I bring you the same design, but in brass!

inspiration: crows swooping and diving through the branches of redwood trees, finding bits of this and pieces of that to take back to their nests

Enter the coupon code "TangleweedsBlog34" at checkout on Etsy to receive 30% off these rustic, hand-crafted, brass earrings. Discount applies to this item only, from now until November 22nd, 2011.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

A Little Dose of Cute

Lately, when I've been browsing through Etsy, I've been finding lots and lots of animal cute-ness. We could all benefit from a bit of fuzzy whiskered noses and cuddly four-legged friends!

I adore these. All the more reason to write and post letters to friends and family.

Gorgeous bird. I love how her tail looks soft and fluttery.

I think I'm putting these in my next Christmas Wish-list Treasury!

Now that I've had my dose of cute, it's back to work. I'm re-stocking one of my shops (Pretty Penny) tomorrow. Lots to do!

Monday, November 14, 2011

A New Feature: Style & Reason

Last week, as I was convalescing at home, I decided I wanted to start a new feature on my blog. A style inspiration feature. I regularly (and sometimes obsessively!) look at style and fashion blogs, websites, online journals, and what not. Last Monday I shared with you a video from the fantastic website, StyleLikeU. It is my personal fascination to step into someone else's wardrobe, which this wonderful site allows you to do via their short interview videos and photo galleries. I had meant to post expand on my thoughts about style and fashion then, but as I was not feeling well, it was put on the back burner 'til now.
(*all photos credited back to their source*)

Coury Combs of Fancy Treehouse
As I was saying I love to step into other's wardrobes. . . And that has led to some problems when it comes to stepping back into my own wardrobe. As a gal continually fascinated by clothes and all that we adorn ourselves with, I am in constant revision, assessment mode of my own apparel. What shoe do I need to make that dress look perfect? What color cardigan am I lacking? Do I need another three-quarter length skirt in just the right shade of oatmeal? 

Gypsy Den - From the Bell Jar's Darling Little Blog

And while I do love to shop, and I do love clothes, and I do love to put outfits together (so much!) I am not a rich girl. I am not even a "sort-of okay as far as money goes" girl. I am a girl who has decided to make a go at making a living off of her art and am subsequently dealing with the financial reality that my decisions have created. In other words: money is really really tight!

Looking at fashion blogs and all of the other gazillion fashion-related sites one can find on the web started out as a way for me to stay inspired, and encouraged my resourcefulness. I discovered handy little tricks that I could easily employ: Tuck a short dress into a skirt and Voila! A new blouse! And I was continually given the extra courage to try things that others might think a bit odd.

Marie Antoinette Gown
But as I said, that was simply how things started. Eventually I found myself sincerely craving certain "statement" pieces. Shoes, bags, coats. I found myself "window shopping" on certain sites I would have never even considered shopping from in the past, simply because I knew they were distinctly out of my budget. And while "window shopping" doesn't break the bank, the longing it created inside of me could not be tempered. I would attempt to save money for a $300 pair of boots only to realize, before buying those boots (luckily) that I needed that money for any one of a dozen other things. 

My roots in fashion have been forged in thrifty soil. I do most of my shopping at thrift stores. I comb through free boxes in my city whenever the opportunity presents itself (which, in Berkeley and Oakland, is quite often.) I alter things I have that I love but don't fit quite right, I re-stitch hems and seams, and get my shoes re-soled, I love (love love love) to find ways to make "ugly" pieces wearable. Somewhere along the way I started craving more than I could afford. While I am already on my way towards a better balance again, one where the inter-webs are fodder for inspiration rather than frustration, I thought that this moment was the perfect one to kick-start a little challenge for myself.

My challenge: To go one whole year without purchasing any new (to me) "wearables." Meaning no clothes, shoes, jewelry, purses, coats, etc, etc. I am absolutely allowed to purchase genuine needs. And I am allowed to get my existing items repaired if I so desire. Also, trading is a-okay, given I am planning a clothing swap at my house in the near future. And, with Christmas on the horizon, gifts are fine too.

Honestly, I am genuinely excited by the prospects of my challenge. And yes, my challenge is "stolen" in a way from other bloggers who have committed themselves to a similar challenge. I am excited for many reasons. One, I think this is going to really make me realize what in my wardrobe works for me and what does not. Two, I am going to be much more motivated to work through my "alterations" pile. Three, I am going to save money, and hopefully, find that I don't want or need nearly as much as I have been lead to believe I want or need.

I may fall off the wagon now and then. I may throw my arms up in the air a month from now and say "I quit." But I am going to give this my best try. Here I go!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Inspiration Folder

All of this

provided by the lovely Earth

fodder for

so many jewelry designs.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Starling Fog

Wednesday item-of-the-week in my Etsy shop!

~hand-forged sterling silver earrings~

inspiration: the way foggy mornings feel so mysterious, the air a thick swirl of possibilities, all of the starlings lined up on the neighborhood fences waiting for the sun to break through 

Enter the coupon code "TangleweedsBlog33" at checkout on Etsy to receive 30% off these rustic, hand-crafted, sterling silver earrings. Discount applies to this item only, from now until November 15th, 2011.

Trio Tuesday

Yes, you're thinking, this isn't Tuesday? Right? And you would be right! I'm bringing you my Etsy Tuesday Trio a day late this week. What's my excuse? Well, being sick, but mainly, losing track of the days! This week's trio is all about triangles. . . 

I love love love this ring. And it's from a fellow East Bay Arts Collective member. Check her shop out!

These earrings are perfectly modern AND rustic! 

This cabochon is gorgeous! One of these days I'm gonna learn how to make bezel pendants and then I'm gonna snatch up all kinds of wonderful pieces like this one.

That's it for now! I'll be back to posting my Wednesday Item-of-the-Week later today as well. So make sure to take a look back!

Friday, November 4, 2011