Sometimes you find and skirt in a store that is just so perfect you have to buy it even though it's too big, too small, has a cigarette burn front and center, whatever. This skirt was that a loooooong time ago. I've had it nearly from the beginning of my thrifting days (so I've had it at least 10 years).
It was too small, simply put, and too long. So I shortened and re-hemmed the bottom and then cut the waist out and lowered it. It was a very full skirt so there was plenty of fabric to play with. In the end the waist turned out to be sort of like a paper-bag waist, which can be attributed mostly to my self-taught and remedial sewing skills more than anything else, but I like the effect.
skirt, cami, sandals, belt, bag ~ thrifted
amber necklace ~ gift
cardi ~ xmas gift last year
leggings ~ Target
bracelets ~ thrifted
These sandals are my new favorite pair of sandals. We've been having such unusually warm weather (at least we were a couple of weeks ago) that I've been able to break them out of the closet already. They were only $3 at the San Leandro Thrift Town! Next time I go on a buying spree there I'll try to take photos. Last time I went with two good friends, one of whom has a blog here:
The Dandy Brimborion.
Back to making jewelry! I'm trying to build up a healthy inventory since I'm trying to do more crafts fairs this year than last year. Which means A LOT!