Monday, October 18, 2010

A few rooms to call home

I, like so many others at this point in life, love to comb the internet for pleasing images, pictures of places or things or people that speak to me. It is a lovely way to unwind at the end of my day. The internet has given me a way to easily stumble upon pictures that speak to me, that appeal to my aesthetic.

I've started many inspiration folders on my desktop. Today I was combing through one of them and thought I'd share a few room photos that I've saved from various sources. (Unfortunately, I do not know where any of them have come from at this point.) With my recent move there has been much unpacking and arranging of furniture. . . and looking at others' spaces that I enjoy helps me realize what I desire in my own living space.

This room looks like the perfect little hidey-hole away from the concerns of everyday life. . .

I love the use of miss-matched pieces of wood as the headboard in this room.

This room, is quite frankly, blissful perfection in my opinion. With the addition of a plethora of glass jars and vases in various sizes, shapes, and colors I would joyfully sleep here and read here every single night.

I may start a "Monday Inspiration" installment to this blog. . . I'll see how that idea feels as the ensuing weeks unfold. Have a lovely end to your day, however you choose to spend it!

1 comment:

  1. Farrrr out, i am in love with the book room. Super duper awesome.
