Sunday, March 27, 2011

Maybe a last

It's been a while since I posted to Wardrobe Remix on Flickr, or posted any outfits here at all. These photos are from over a month ago! February 11th to be exact. And even thought it's taken me forever to get around to it, I really wanted to post these ones, mostly because I just had to share these shorts-skirt-skorts with you!

I don't usually get this goofy, but I was having fun.

Arlo, chillin', and hanging out with me in the backyard.

Mostly, I'm just finding that I don't have the time to take wardrobe photos, let alone post them here and on Flickr. I'm finding myself in a very reflective mood these days about how I spend my time, and taking outfit photos has become one of those things that has fallen by the way-side as I weed out the non-essential in my life. I'm sure many of you too find yourself needing to weed out the non-essential when life gets especially busy. So, this may be a last outfit post for a while. I'm not saying my last forever, but maybe my last for a while. 

And it's not just about life been super busy all of the time. It's also about me wanting to make time for certain things in my life that I struggle t make time for: like reading more, and studying and using herbs, and growing a vegetable garden, and traveling, and, always, more time for my jewelry.

I'm turning 30 in less than a month, and I am completely at peace about this. But I'm also ready to finish growing up and really dedicate myself to what's important to me.

outfit details:
shoes, cami, skorts ~ thrifted
belt ~ Mars Vintage
cardigan ~ Christmas gift
tights ~ Hue
most jewelry ~ Tangleweeds


  1. Hey, you look gorgeous! That is such a fun ensemble...i know what you mean about outfit posts, they're fun, but they are kind of frivolous when i'm time-poor. 30, is almost 5 years ago for me....i had lots of fun that night; and mark my words your thirties will be amazing.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. yhanks, Tina. I am looking forward to my thirties. I see it as the time when I finally get over myself and just live!
