Friday, September 23, 2011

Farmer's Market Day

Tomorrow, stop by my table at this lovely North Oakland Farmer's Market!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Autumn Sale

The seasons are changing! Which means it's time for my annual autumnal storewide Etsy sale. Simply use the coupon code "Harvest Time" at checkout and you'll receive 20% off your entire order! Sale lasts 'til the end of the month. Enjoy! 

Friday, September 16, 2011

Craft Fair Weekend

Tomorrow. . .

and Sunday. . . 

Hope to see you at one of these rad fairs!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Thursday Wanderings

I was taking a look at the most recent NEET magazine issue today and stumbled upon this lovely photo story. 

These photos called to me. 

Reminded me to take the time to explore the world.

To dance everywhere. 

And embrace my wild, creative, freedom loving side. 

all photos by Christa Renee for NEET

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Autumn Leaves

Wednesday item-of-the-week in my Etsy shop!

inspiration: brisk fall mornings, the fallen leaves all crunchy underfoot, their colors a range from chocolate brown to caramel to dusky tan

Enter the coupon code "TangleweedsBlog32" at checkout on Etsy to receive 30% off these rustic, hand-crafted earrings. Discount applies to this item only, from now until September 20th.

Monday, September 12, 2011


Here's some music to get your week started!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Rustic Feather and Steel

Wednesday item-of-the-week in my Etsy shop!

inspiration: the small sparrows twittering in the branches of the small, willowy trees in my backyard every morning

Enter the coupon code "TangleweedsBlog31" at checkout on Etsy to receive 30% off this rustic, hand-crafted necklace. Discount applies to this item only, from now until September 13th.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Labor Day

I'm spending today working on Etsy orders and new jewelry designs. I can't put into words how thrilled I am to be moving on from Peaberry's, taking that next step and working solely for myself.

Here's a little ditty to get your week started!