Thursday, January 28, 2010

Things I'm lovin'

How about three things today? It's a favorite number of mine.

This tin can planter tutorial from Design Sponge.

This lovely, style and fashion blog, The Glamourai.

This month's issue of Bust Magazine, featuring an interview of America Ferrera, and a style article about the lovely lady who writes the Bikes and The City blog (and she's locally based in San Francisco!).

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Home sick yesterday


Home sick today and yesterday. But I've had quite a bit of work to do, so clothes as cozy as pajamas and shoes as comfortable as slippers seemed the way to go.

I just recently picked up these leggings from American Apparel. I love their bold patterning.

And this dress is so delightfully soft. Perfect not-feeling-well-wear.

sweater dress ~ thrifted, leggings ~ American Apparel, boots ~ Ross, necklaces and earrings ~ made by me, bracelets ~ thrifted

Maple Syrup and Nutmeg

Wednesday item of the week in my Etsy Shop!

~hand-forged brass earrings~

inspiration: fragrant, spiced gingerbread cookies

From hand-forged, curvy brass hoops dangle faceted, teardrop stone beads of whiskey quartz. Ear-wires are 22 gauge, hand-forged as well. Earthy and slightly rustic in feel. Lovely, warm autumn colors!

Enter the code "tangleweeds blog" in the message section of your Etsy receipt to receive 30% off these hand-forged brass earrings. Discount applies to this item only, from now until February 2nd, 2010.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Flowers and feathers

Playing around with my new camera today. . .

. . . in between making some new earrings and necklaces. Now it's time for a walk!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Flowers and time

The beginning of this year has been a bit of a doozey. I keep reminding myself that Mercury and Mars are retrograde. Explains a lot. I feel like this year is getting off to a very slow start. . . and I don't know that I'd want it any other way. My beloved cat, Snickers, died on Monday and I'm still reeling from this loss. Getting myself to work everyday is rough. I can feel every cell in my body putting up a big protest as I enter my studio to get to work. Snickers was always there and now she's not. There are times when I think I've glimpsed her out of the corner of my eye, or seen her curled up on my futon, only to quickly be snapped back to reality.

I need a bit of time to simply slow down. To do some things just because they feel good. I've been trying to allow myself to relax (which I am just no good at!)

I've always had a strong afinity for flowers. I stumbled upon these photos of some gorgeous flower arrangements when I was looking at Design Sponge yesterday. It made me itch to put together my own winter inspired flower arrangement. Usually I buy flowers from the local florist that is right around the corner from the coffee shop I work at. Right now, though, my funds are a bit low (whose aren't after Christmas, right?), so I thought I'd challenge myself by making a lovely bouquet out of only what I could scavenge from my yard.

It was simply fun. I kind of felt like a little kid, just playing. I remembered and felt how enjoyable it is to be creative in a completely free way. I was creating this thing, this flower and plant arrangement, for my enjoyment and my enjoyment only. There was no pressure, no expectations.

I still love, love, love the jewelry work that I do. But it is, in so many ways, a job. I try to give myself time to simply experiment with my jewelry designs and see what comes of it, but almost always there is a little voice in my head pushing me to come up with a viable design for my business. I think having a form of creative expression that is free of strings, free of expectations is necessary if I want to continue to come up with new jewelry designs that I can be proud of.

And, anyway, finding something in my life that is so free, and playful, and enjoyable in a very straightforward way is good for me. I've always aired on the slightly too serious side. I should definitely find more time to play.
The results:
A little bit of rosemary, some dried lavendar pods, plenty of purple sage, three chard leaves, some cattails, rosehips, a fragrant winter assortment. While it's not perfect I love it for just being exactly what it is.

I can't wait for spring so I can start planting more flowers!
Until next time,

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Winter Leaves

Wednesday item of the week in my Etsy Shop! (One day late this week, my apologies.)

~hand-forged brass necklace~
inspiration: these cold blustery early winter, late autumn days

Enter the code "tangleweeds blog" in the message section of your Etsy receipt to receive 30% off this hand-forged brass necklace.